The Emergence of Technology

A systemigram conceptualizing complexity

The Context

Emerging technology refers to novel or advancing technologies expected to become available in the next 5-10 years with significant social or economic impacts. The regulatory landscape and mass adoption patterns play crucial roles in the success or failure of these technologies. Using systems thinking, analyzing causal relationships between the government and the tech industry, and forecasting the trajectory of emerging technologies, we aim to peel back layers of complexity with this systemigram. Its purpose is to promote shared understanding of these complex systems.


Research, systems mapping, visual conceptualization


Nabhya Parmar, Sharvil Ghanekar


3 weeks


Dasami Moodley

Click to enlarge

Breaking it down

1. The What

The first wing establishes the context of the systemigram by addressing the following questions. What is emerging technology? What patterns do we currently see in the events in this space? What is the role of financial investment and adoption in emerging technology?

What do we see?

Where do we see this?

2. Breaking out of the cocoon

The second wing focuses on the forces and delays in the system of emerging technology being adopted by the masses. The Gartner Hype Meets Government graph plots the behavior of emerging technologies over time. Alongside, it shows the government’s role and the constant tussle for power between these two systems.

What do we see?

Where do we see this?

3. The Tug of War

The last two wings, are depicted as opposing forces which are held together by elements that are integral to both their systems. Each wing shows causal loops that either reinforce or balance the system. This interconnectedness hints that although opposing, these two systems would cease to exist without this tussle.

3. Equity: The Underlying System

This last section is perhaps the most important. It underlies every system, big or small. Equity in emerging technology requires a comprehensive approach that examines legal frameworks, access, and impact. Policies must prevent bias towards privileged groups and ensure equal access. Prioritizing equity in emerging tech deployment is vital for a more just society.

Where do we see this?

Now what?

Looking through our systems lens: Emerging technology is a mega mess that lies at the inter​section of two large messes; government regulation and adoption.

Our next steps are to shift this lens of “understanding the system” and create an intervention that could potentially ease the tension between the the government and the tech industry.