Hello. I’m Juanita (wah-nee-ta), and I currently

use design to move people, teams & organizations forward

leave US 6 sized footprints at boba shops

wear many hats, and super cool shoes ;)

I thought you’d like to know a little more

Well, meet my best furrrend

Gabby, my six year old golden retriever, is a very impawtant part of my life. Evening walks are our favorite pass time. Once, she ate a whole bowl of cookie dough 😭

Gabby basking in the sunlight, waiting for a treat that I was holding

Why am I in design?

I believe education is bringing a new era of learning and doing. I imagine a world where it joins hands with design and marketing, to push minority - led businesses forward.

That’s me facilitating a fun workshop with a group of women in my local community

A talent I am proud of

With a minimal setup, I can cut, style and color hair. This proved to be very useful (read dangerous) during the pandemic. I practice my craft on my friends for now.

Practicing my new found hobby of cutting hair on my roommate