Miraco Global

Establishing the visual identity for a range of nutrition products.

The Context

Miraco Global sells some of South Asia’s fastest growing plant-based nutrition supplements. I worked on the branding, packaging and managed the production for three products; Powerhouse (Miraco Global’s flagship product), Curpure and ProTreasure and prepared for their launch with a tight timeline of two weeks.

  • Conceptualization, branding, product management

  • 3 weeks ( 2 weeks design + 1 week packaging printing)

  • I was solo designer; Collaborated with marketing team and the CEO

Everything here is a result of months of research, iterations, prototyping and testing - not always in that order. We were working with constraints like using existing visual identity, following packaging and labelling regulations, and the liquid nature of the nutritional supplements.

After design, I worked on the launch; managing production and distribution of the products.