KAI: The future of schooling

An AI Teaching Assistant to equip digital-natives for emerging careers.

The Context

This project explores how children can learn to live effectively in a world increasingly impacted by emerging technologies by creating an interactive learning experience which caters to individual learning styles and needs; while fostering communication, critical thinking, creativity and collaboration among children to prepare them for the future.

KAI, an AI teaching assistant is embraced in the classrooms to future proof students for tomorrow’s careers.

  • User Interviews, Qualitative Research, Market Analysis, Strategy, User Interface

  • 5 weeks

  • Shreya Saraf, Sonali Mehta and Chandana Kashyap

KAI is an AI companion in schools that equips today’s students to adapt to tomorrow’s careers

KAI prioritizes the most important skillset, the four C’s -


Creative Thinking


Critical Thinking

It is built around you

KAI isn’t built just for students.

It’s made for teachers and parents too.

Rapid advancements in artificial intelligence are making homework obsolete and educators face an identity crisis.

“2022 was the year AI took center stage”


Why AI in the classroom?


of educators are concerned about AI plagiarism

85 million

jobs will be replaced by machines using AI by 2025


employers say they will be looking for evidence of problem-solving skills

At KAI, we recognize that AI has arrived in our classrooms and is here to stay. It is time to raise our learning expectations to match the tools that are now available. AI has the potential to give educators an infinite team of assistants and think creatively about the tasks students to spend their time on.

Who might care?

Conducted 32 informal interviews with people with varied expertise, across these fields.

And what did they say?

The interview discussions led to several questions, opinions, and shared patterns of curiosity, and urgency.

“The children of today are the workforce of tomorrow”

So, there is a need to -

create interactive learning experiences that cater to individual learning styles and needs while fostering four Cs: communication, critical thinking, creativity, and collaboration among children to prepare them for the future.

Three pillars in a child’s education

Children, their parents, and the teachers share interactions that become the strong pillars of a child’s education.

How might we empower children to harness the benefits of AI, rather than being restricted from using it, and prepare them for future careers?


Current Journey & Opportunities for KAI

Click image to enlarge

Personification of KAI

Unintended consequences